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Nolvadex 20mg by AstraZeneca x 1 Strip

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Nolvadex 20mg 1 Strip
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Product Description

This drug is not toxic nor have any side effects been seen in athletes who used it an anti-estrogen; therefore it is the most popular anti-estrogen amongst steroid users.

Although it does not turn out to be 100% effective for everyone, it does seem to exhibit some level of effectiveness for the majority. It works so well for some bodybuilders they can take drugs like Anadrol right up to a contest as long as they stack it with Nolvadex. It would seem wise to take this drug in conjunction with any steroid cycle. Most reported a dosage of 10 mg to 20 mg daily got the job done. 

Effective Dose: 1 - 2 tabs/day

Nolvadex is very comparable to Clomid, behaves in the same manner in all tissues, and is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist of the same type as Clomid. The two molecules are also very similar in structure.

Common use
Athletes like to use Nolvadex at the end of a steroid cycle since it increases the body's own testosterone production.
The dose of tamoxifen will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. Normally the dose will vary between 20-40 mg./day. Athletes seldom use more than 30 mg./day.
There are many possible side effects that are very different depending on how long time Nolvadex is used as well as depending on the sex of the user.
Many athletes like to use it at the end of a steroid cycle since it increases the body's own testosterone production and to prevent estrogenic side effects of taking anabolic steroids.
Nolvadex is also useful during a diet since it helps in the burning of fat. Although tamoxifen has no direct fat-burning effect its antiestrogenic effect contributes to keeping the estrogen level as low as possible. 

Possible side effects
Tamoxifen may cause unwanted effects that may not occur until months or years after it is used. Tamoxifen increases the chance of cancer of the uterus in some women taking it. Tamoxifen may cause blockages to form in a vein, lung, or brain. In addition, tamoxifen has been reported to cause cataracts and other eye problems.
Anxiety, blistering, peeling, or loosening of skin and mucous membranes, blurred vision, chest pain, confusion, cough, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat, lightheadedness, pain or swelling in fingers, hands and legs, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, weakness or sleepiness, yellow eyes or skin.

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  1. 2vPgTpDkiV2

    Posted by Sopie on 1st Aug 2013

    HiIam travelling arnoud and sometimes want my gear sent to the hotels i stay in am going to work in singapore,new zeeland and australia next year, I dont know if steroids are either legal in singapore or if its the death penalty so how will you ship it to me? i have heard all different from sites. 3-4 years ago i was 8months in thailand and sent back to sweden some roids to frieands and we shared them but only small amounts in small envelopes at times,did not even hide them.. but now thainland is high risk country i wont risk to ask a frieand sending me anything from there now if i dont know someone who can like hide it inside a chair or something. do you have some staff who can hide it good for me? sucess rate for the countries i will work in and to sweden? btw is denmark more easy than sweden if so could be sent there and just take the bridge over to bring it back?Looking forward hearing from you and maby we can make deals in the future who knowsBest regardsPs, if you have a good shipping idea/packing. Could you send to me other meds to or other marks from thailand or is it only the stuf you got on the website that you can supply?

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